Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Patience is not one of my virtues. Ha!

Last week ended with God closing a door on the house we had been praying for.  We did not have an offer on our house by Friday and therefore we couldn't make an offer on the house.  That is ok though.  God is teaching us that we have to WAIT on Him.  This is not an easy task.  I wanted to update you all to know that we are seeing mountains move daily.  Please do not quit praying.  We feel each prayer that is spoken.  God is showing us each and every day that IF we wait on Him, His ways are perfect and everything will work out.

Now, I can honestly tell you that it will not always work out like WE want it to.  We would love to tell God where we want to go and how many square feet we would like and what kind of appliances we want to have and what color we want the house to be and so forth and so on.  But, God doesn't always give us what we want.  He does, however, give us what we need.  With that said, we have looked at a lot of houses via the internet.  We have looked at a handful in person.  The ONE house that God has for us is out there and waiting on us!

We are waiting and waiting and waiting.  We need to sell our house.  We need to complete this portion of our journey.  We are ready to begin the "fun" part of our journey, which is welcoming the new Fowler children into our home.  What a delight that day will be!?!  Please pray that our house will have a SOLD sign on it soon, so that we can "move on" to the next phase.

Your prayers are treasures to us.  Your words of encouragement are music to our ears.  Your presence in our lives is a cherry on top of our sundae.

Thank you!

In His Grip,
Chris and Elizabeth

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