Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Roller Coasters are fun and then, you throw up!

Between yesterday and today, I feel as though I have been on the best, scariest, twistiest, turniest roller coaster in the world.  If you know me, you know that I LOVE roller coasters.  If I had the time and money, I would go to Carowinds several times a summer and spend the whole day riding coaster after coaster.  As a child, we would go to Carowinds during the summers and as a teenager, we ventured to Six Flags.

What is the thrill of a coaster?  The ups--- with the dramatic climb to the top?  The downs---fast and exciting?  The twists--- that jerk you from going in one direction to an entirely different direction in a matter of seconds?  The loops---turned upside down?  Could it possibly be the 1 1/2 hour wait in the hot sun, laughing, sweating and enjoying getting to know the random people all around you?  Or is it the whole package?  I submit to you today that it is the whole package.  For me, anyway.

Yesterday was a HUGE up!!!!  With one quick swoop, God took care of an enormous mountain!  He used a willing realtor and a young man.  God SOLD our house!  Not just sold, He sold it on a cash deal.  WOW!!!!!  This is a ginormous God sized only type task.  The house sold in one showing, just like that.  Now, I must tell you that since the day we listed the house, I have prayed daily that God would only allow the person that was to buy the house to come and look.  At first, I thought that was a great idea.  However, after almost 2 months with no one looking, I was beginning to wonder.  Then, we got the call that our house was being shown on Monday at 6:15.  We made the preparations to vacate the house and make sure it was show ready.  Not an easy task with 7 people (we had the Peeler boys too).  But we did it and at 6:18, my phone rang and we had an offer.  Within, 30 or so minutes, we had a contract.  Seriously?  This was a climb to the top of the roller coaster.  The hill seemed to go on forever.  The fun sights along the way (houses we looked at) were beautiful.  The climax that God was building was huge.  We hit the top last night.  What comes after the top?  Lots of ups and downs.

Now, today came a down.  We went to look at a house that we thought might fit our needs.  It happened to be one of the only houses in this area in our price range right now.  It is a no.  I will be honest.  That was like a small hill on a coaster where you "jump" it and your stomach falls out from under you.  I wasn't sure what to do.  I began to pray but truth be told, I was praying and crying to God saying, please help us figure this out.  Make someone list their house!  After talking to several people, I called one of my besties that always speaks truth directly to me, no matter what I may want to hear.  (BTW, I have several of those, but this one happens to be on this house selling journey too).  She laid it out there just like this.  God has brought you all the way to right here.  He is not going to leave you now.  You have to be patient.  Take it one day at a time and realize that it may not happen in your time, but it will be God's time and He will take care of you.  YES!!!  Yes, He will!  All along, we have realized as soon as we have stepped out from under what God would have for us, that we immediately felt unease, fear, anxiety, etc.  But, as soon as we stepped back under God's "umbrella" of protection, the peace washed back over us and once again, we relaxed and gave it back to God.  Because, my friends, in the end, it's all His anyway.  The house we live in now, the house we will live in, the children we have now, the children on their way, the jobs now and in the future, are ALL His ultimately!  God doesn't make mistakes.  He is right on time.

What can you pray for now?  Peace to continue.  For us to listen so closely to God's voice that He is the ONLY voice we hear.  For us to follow Him and quit trying to lead.  That we would buckle up, keep our hands and feet inside at ALL times and enjoy the ride.  It is going to be crazy.  It is going to have ups and downs.  It is going to have highs and lows.  Expect the unexpected and realize that God's best is not necessarily what we think is best.

Along the "wait" God is preparing us.  He is using people placed in our path to guide us to exactly where He wants us to go.  But He is also using us to speak to others.  We are constantly given opportunities to chat with people in grocery stores, school, work, sporting events, etc.  We are trying to enjoy the wait too.

As you pray for us and think about our journey to adoption.  Please reflect on your own roller coaster of life.  Are you building your coaster?  Are you driving it?  Are you controlling the twists and turns?  Or is God?  If God is, you will face adversity.  You will have many trials.  It is not easy.  But it is so freeing!  It is the most peaceful place to be.  If you ever want to know more about this God that I speak of, please ask.  I would be thrilled to share Him with you.  He has changed our lives.  Turned it upside down.  But ultimately, He has provided us with everything we could possibly ever need!  We love you all and pray that God blesses you immensely for your faithfulness to Him!

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